Home-Run Faith

Siblings Brendan and Caitlin Colley look to glorify God through sport.


Pursuing God in sport while performing at the highest level has always been the motivation of Brendan and Caitlin Colley.

A Brand With a Soul

How William Booth inspired Province of Canada entrepreneur Jeremy Watt.


“I wouldn’t change the experience of growing up in The Salvation Army at all. I think it set the tone for my future.” 

The Fantastic Four

A quartet of felines are changing lives at The Salvation Army's Edmonton Centre of Hope.

Faith & Friends

Whiskered, furry and four-legged therapy cats are live-in miracles to the staff and patients at The Salvation Army's Edmonton Centre of Hope.

"Jesus Is My Jam!"

I may be the teacher, but that day I was “schooled.”

Faith & Friends

A middle-school student's fearless Christiantity was the admiration of her teacher. "Here I was, a teacher being taught by a 14-year-old," says Corey Bladen.

September and October issues now available in print and online. issuu.com/salvationist

Stronger Together

Across the territory, The Salvation Army is a movement in motion.

Opinion & Critical Thought

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love” (Ephesians 4:16 NLT)

We Are Mission

Our calling is to live out God’s purposes in the world.

Opinion & Critical Thought
In recent months, our team in the mission department at territorial headquarters (THQ)—which includes corps mission, community mission and social mission—has been hearing me chant the phrase, “We Are Mission!” as a rallying cry. While also trying to have a bit of fun, my hope is that this powerful mantra captures The

Salvation Worship Volume 8 is now available.