Unceasing Prayer
Ministry Expression
Moose Jaw Corps and Community Services, Moose Jaw, Sask.
We are thankful that our corps is growing as we have enrolled soldiers and adherents. Attendance is up in both Sunday services, half of our congregation is attending mid-week Bible study, and our Just Walk exercise program is attracting friends of our members and, most recently, one of our staff.
Pray for continued spiritual growth in our people, our critical need for leadership and that our staff will understand the mission of The Salvation Army in our community.
Moose Jaw takes pride in being called “Canada’s Most Notorious City,” but there are undercurrents of powerful satanic forces. Pray that God can use us to be the means to break the force within our community.
Shared Scripture
1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
What do you learn here about Christ’s return? Does anything surprise you? What does it say about those who predict exactly when Christ will return to earth?
Use S.O.A.P. journaling to deepen your Scripture reflection—click here to learn how.