The Salvation Army has a strong history of working in areas of social justice and has made strengthening its response to modern slavery and human trafficking a global priority.
Major Rachele Lamont spent four years as the co-ordinator for anti-human trafficking in Greece. Now, she’s bringing her expertise to the Canada and Bermuda Territory, hoping to incorporate a response to human trafficking at every level of The Salvation Army.
Human-trafficking survivors may find it difficult to get back into mainstream society due to their lack of day-to-day living skills and the need for employment training. The Salvation Army in Canada is helping to meet those needs by providing safe housing, counselling and job training.
General Linda Bond has called The Salvation Army to pray for victims of sex trade trafficking on Sunday, September 25, but the Army has long been tackling this issue
General Linda Bond has called The Salvation Army to pray for victims of sex trade trafficking on Sunday, September 25, but the Army has long been tackling this issue