Faces of Hope

The community at the Centre of Hope in Winnipeg shares why they love to serve.


Employees are proud to be a part of something greater than themselves.

Are the Kids OK?

The results of a research study into the spiritual health of officers’ children.


Have you noticed how many OKs are missing from the congregation when you enter a typical Salvation Army corps these days? It was this observation that led Major Marlene George to pursue a research project as part of a doctor of ministry degree: “Salvation Army Officers’ Kids: How OK Are They?”

Language, Learning, Love

Anchor of Hope ESL breaks down language barriers to build confidence and community.

As the corps officer at Anchor of Hope Community Church in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, Captain Jenny Marin noticed an increase in the number of people arriving from places such as Africa, Afghanistan and Mexico. Looking for ways to serve these newcomers, as well as residents at the Army’s nearby Harbour Light facility, the church

Reconciliation Is Learning

Learn with us, holding truth in one hand and hope in the other.


This National Indigenous History Month and beyond, will you walk the reconciliation path with us? Healing happens when we walk together.

Reconciliation Is Community

Reconciliation is an opportunity to create real relationships with each other.


This National Indigenous History Month and beyond, will you walk the reconciliation path with us? Healing happens when we walk together.

The Salvation Army is active in more than 130 countries worldwide. With such a wide scope of ministry, there are many service opportunities for both officers and lay personnel interested in serving overseas. Below is a list of available positions in other Salvation Army territories, prepared by the IHQ personnel

"What's New on Salvationist: Indigenous Ministries Website", with a screenshot of the new website.

Mr. Fix It

There’s nothing God can’t mend.

Faith & Friends

As my husband reminded me, nothing is broken until my Father in heaven can’t fix it, and there’s nothing He can’t fix.

Banking on Help

Couple struggling with inflation turn to Salvation Army for support.

Faith & Friends

According to a recent survey by The Salvation Army, 73 percent of Canadians faced food security challenges in 2023, and 43 percent of Canadians who visited a food bank last year were accessing it for the first time.Eric (not his real name) and his wife found themselves in a situation many Canadian families are experiencing. Fortunately, The Salvation Army was there for him.

May/June Issues Available Now, in print and online @ salvationist.ca. "Check out our New Look!"