Marching to the triumphant strains of Ray Steadman-Allen's Silver Star, played by the Canadian Staff Band, the Canada and Bermuda Territory's 18 newest lieutenants entered the auditorium at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga, Ont., on Sunday afternoon, taking their place on the platform with the Heralds of Grace Session.
A dramatic presentation by representatives from the College for Officer Training (CFOT) reminded the assembled crowd of the congress theme of “One Army—One Mission—One Message” before Colonel Mark Tillsley, chief secretary, led the singing of God's Soldier. Major Wayne Bungay, divisional commander in the Prairie Division, prayed for the Lord's blessing on the afternoon's events.
Lt-Colonel Sandra Rice interviews Candidate Keith Hopkins
Lt-Colonel Sandra Rice, secretary for personnel, interviewed Candidate Keith Hopkins about his story of faith and acceptance of God's call to be an officer. Raised in a Christian home, he turned from God as a teenager and ultimately spiraled downward into alcoholism. But through the prayers of loved ones—“I have a mother who's a prayer warrior!” he said—and a fresh commitment to Jesus Christ, he will enter CFOT in a few weeks with his wife, Violet, as cadets in the Messengers of Light Session.
A special feature of the afternoon was a video of delegates sharing what the highlights of Territorial Congress had been for them. From connecting with friends to discussing the mission of the Army, Salvationists were inspired by all that had taken place. Listening to General André Cox share from the Word of God was especially appreciated. “He's an amazing speaker!” said one delegate. “It's been wonderful to hear him preach.”
General André Cox presents Charles Reid with his fifth Silver Star
In recognition of the parents or spiritual parents of the 18 new officers, a Silver Star pin and certificate were presented to them as they were welcomed to the Fellowship of the Silver Star by Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women's Ministries. In a special moment, General André Cox presented Charles Reid with his fifth Silver Star. Lieutenant Laurie Reid, a member of the Disciples of the Cross Session, is the fifth child from the Reid family to be commissioned and ordained.
The new lieutenants then stood before Commissioner Brian Peddle, territorial commander, as he acknowledged their first appointments as Salvation Army officers.
Lts Cathy and Randy Shears receive their first appointments from Commissioner Brian Peddle
Speaking on behalf of her session-mates, Lieutenant Bhreagh Rowe gave a glimpse into their training experience at CFOT. She shared that, as officers, they had been called to lay everything on the altar of God, and as they move into full-time ministry, they do so in joy because they know the Lord. “He has called us. He has equipped us. And we surrender to him every day,” she said.
In her message, Commissioner Silvia Cox spoke about the faithfulness of God and the importance of bearing witness to his goodness. “We have to tell our story,” she said. “We have to say what the Lord has done. He makes impossible things possible!” In response to her words, people knelt around the large cross at the centre of the auditorium to recommit their lives to Christ before Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, territorial president of women's ministries, offered a prayer of dedication.
Commissioner Silvia Cox encrouages Salvationists to bear witness to God's goodness
As the final moments of Territorial Congress 2014 approached, Colonel Mark Tillsley, chief secretary, invited Salvationists to thank Commissioners Peddle for their leadership over the past three years as they prepare to take on new duties at International Headquarters. The congregation expressed their affection and appreciation for the territorial leaders with a prolonged standing ovation.
Attention then shifted to Boundless 2015: The Whole World Redeeming, The Salvation Army's upcoming international congress taking place next July in London, England. Led by Commissioner Brian Peddle, the congregation enthusiastically sang the Founder's song, O Boundless Salvation, the inspiration for the international congress theme. Carrying the Boundless 2015 flag, the General led a Hallelujah Wind-up, followed by a large crowd of international congress delegates, each waving a smaller version of the flag.
“Thank you, Father, for clarifying for us your mission here on earth. Thank you for empowering us to go forth into the world with the transforming message of the Lord Jesus Christ,” prayed the territorial commander, bringing Territorial Congress 2014 to a conclusion.
General André Cox and Colonel Mark Tillsley wave the Boundless 2015 and territorial flags
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