The Salvation Army women’s ministries held a virtual conference for women across the Canada and Bermuda Territory in March. Inspired by Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, the conference was a café-style conversation between Salvationist women who joined together online and in person for coffee, tea and worship.

Co-hosted by Christina Laurice, host of Living Local Canada, and Jenna Reid, Salvationist and creator of the Wholehearted Pursuit blog, The Well explored stories of resilience through hardship. The event featured guest speaker Ellen Duffield, author of The Brave Way, and included worship by Vancouver-based worship leader Laura Hastings and testimonies of women who turned to God for strength in difficult times.
“I had nothing to give. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. It’s in those moments when you realize that God’s got me. I’m OK because he’s holding on to me,” said Sarah Fusilier from Hamilton, Ont., who shared her testimony.
Using the metaphor of blacksmithing, Duffield described the way God works to heal us in the same way that metal takes shape in fire and becomes beautiful. “God is working intentionally through even what seems like the hardest and most painful parts of our lives,” she said. “God breaks away that which will destroy us and makes way for that which is life-giving.”
Ministry units across the territory joined in person for fellowship and a live viewing of The Well. Among them, Corner Brook Temple, N.L., hosted 32 women from their corps and other churches in their community. “The ladies enjoyed being together in fellowship and spiritual renewal after being apart so long during COVID,” says Major Valerie Wheeler, corps officer.
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