Maple Leaf Brass

MLB59 In the Morning (Philip Rayment)

(Meditation) Each new morning brings a new beginning; a chance for the believer to start over thanks to God’s love. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” This piece explores the idea of new beginnings, with the focus of the ultimate new beginning – eternal life. It begins with a quote from the tune Carlisle (T.B. 147) to which we associate these words: “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love…”

Maple Leaf Brass

Maple Leaf Brass

  • MLB134 Be Seen in Me (Marcus Venables) Listen

    September 30, 2024

    (Song Arrangement) Be Seen in Me is based on the Salvation Worship song Let the Beauty of Jesus by Natalie and John Hanchett that incorporates the familiar words of General Albert Orsborn (S.A.S.B. 717). The piece features subtle references throughout to the original tune (T.B. 729). The music reflects a clear message – a call for Christ’s beauty to be seen in our lives. The lyrics encourage us to embody the grace, love, and character of Jesus by allowing His presence to transform us and shine through in all that we do.

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  • MLB133 Agnus Dei (Olaf Ritman) Listen

    August 26, 2024

    (Meditation) This piece was originally written for the Valleistreek corps band and recently rescored for the Amsterdam Staff Band to be used at Easter. The music seeks to portray the path that took Jesus, the Lamb of God, to the cross to die for our sins. From the first few measures of music, the listener can sense that the path is dark and full of fear. The music portrays the moment the nails are used to crucify Him and the words “It is finished!” are spoken before the tune Passion Chorale (T.B. 226) is heard to which we associate the lyrics from Song Book 190. The next section reflects the pure love that was shown on the cross as the tune Mother Machree (T.B. 760) is heard to which we associate the lyrics from Song Book 184. The piece ends in perfect peace, reemphasizing the last line of this familiar chorus.

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  • MLB132 The Shepherd's Journey (Ruben Schmidt) Listen

    July 29, 2024

    (Carol Arrangement) This arrangement features the German traditional Christmas carol entitled Mit den Hirten will ich gehen which translates as “I will follow the shepherds.” Based on Luke 2:9-11, this carol was composed in the late 19th century. The angels proclaim Christ’s birth to the shepherds who then begin their journey to see Jesus in the stable. The music invites the listener to reflect on the importance as Christians to journey through the Christmas season remaining focused on the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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  • MLB131 Abide With Me (Timothy Howard) Listen

    June 24, 2024

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) The soul-searching lyrics of Abide With Me (S.A.S.B. 529) have touched the hearts of people all around the world. The poet expresses the many different experiences and feelings of mankind, concluding that we all need the Lord to be our constant companion and source of power.

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  • MLB130 The Wounds of Christ (Dale Pittock) Listen

    May 27, 2024

    (Song Arrangement) This arrangement was originally scored as a trombone solo for a Good Friday service. It has undergone several permutations over the years but the message has remained the same; Christ shed His blood on the cross for everyone. In spite of the darkness and sorrow of that day, everyone may rejoice for the soul-cleansing blood that flowed from His broken body. The lyrics of the chorus (S.A.S.B. 414) remind us of this powerful message.

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  • MLB129 Shout Aloud! (Michael Cooper) Listen

    April 29, 2024

    (Festival Arrangement) Psalm 98:4 tells us to “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music.” This energetic rendition of Lift Up the Banner (S.A.S.B. 989) seeks to capture the Psalmist’s invitation to praise. The text painting within the middle section’s minor key transition refers to a Christian’s struggle with secular surroundings, leading into a triumphant final verse that emphasizes the text, “To God the world shall yet belong!”

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  • MLB128 Consecrated (Philip Rayment) Listen

    March 24, 2024

    (Song Arrangement) Canadian worship leader and Salvationist, Laura Rowsell, has created a wonderful new tune and chorus to complement the words of Francis Ridley Havergal. The original lyrics (S.A.S.B. 623), written in 1874, contain the timeless message of consecration: the devotion of the entirety of one’s life to the Lord and His service. The words of Rowsell’s added chorus emphasize the same message in more modern terms. This arrangement uses this new tune, published in Salvation Worship, along with the original tune associated with Havergal’s words, Hendon (T.B. 249). It is dedicated to Impact Brass, of whom the arranger is a former member and conductor, on the occasion of their 40th anniversary.

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  • MLB127 Pass Me Not (Harold Burgmayer) Listen

    February 26, 2024

    (Hymn Setting) The composer William Doane sought out Fanny Crosby to write verses based on the theme “Pass me not, O gentle Saviour.” Fanny Crosby was known to come up with lyrics quickly but in this case, struggled for some weeks until, while speaking at a Manhattan prison service, one of the men cried out, “Good Lord! Do not pass me by.” This man may have felt forgotten by society, but he did not want to be forgotten by God. This gave her the inspiration for the song, which she wrote that evening, and since its publication in 1870 has served as a compelling song of invitation.

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  • MLB126 Wholly Thine (Rachel Ewing) Listen

    January 29, 2024

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) This is an arrangement of the tune Trentham (T.B. 159) to which we associate the words Breathe on Me, Breath of God (S.A.S.B. 294). The lyrics of this song reflect simple, short prayers that express the deep desire to be renewed and transformed in Christ – to be wholly His.

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  • MLB125 I Want to Tell You (Jonathan Rowsell) Listen

    December 20, 2023

    (March) This lively march was written for The Salvation Army’s National Music Camp in Bolivia. It features the tune This Is What the Lord Has Done (T.B. 891).

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  • MLB124 My All for Thee (Stephen Hull) Listen

    November 27, 2023

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) After a long internal struggle over the composer’s calling to officership, this piece came quickly following the decision to accept the call. It features the tune Nottingham (T.B. 256) to which we associate the words “Take My Life and Let It Be.” The tune All I Have I Am Bringing to Thee (T.B. 542) is also utilized with the lyrics of the chorus being the particular focus. The piece was originally written for the Royal Oak Citadel Band in Michigan. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB123 Sweet Rejoicing (Sam Creamer) Listen

    October 30, 2023

    (Carol Arrangement) Written in a reggae style, this arrangement uses the traditional German carol Good Christian Men, Rejoice with brief references to O Come, O Come Immanuel. The title references the original name of the carol In Dulci Jubilo.

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  • MLB122 Send Forth (Marcus Venables) Listen

    September 25, 2023

    (Festival Arrangement) This piece was written at the request of bandmaster Bram Dean to celebrate the opening of a new building for the Barrhaven Corps in Ottawa, Ontario. This celebratory piece reflects the joy of the occasion and the excitement of new beginnings. Using the song Lord, If Your Presence (S.A.S.B. 1031) by Yvonne Field, the music underscores the importance of divine guidance and blessing on our journey. In this arrangement, there is a sense of excitement and adventure reflected in the music that mirrors the feelings of new beginnings and fresh starts. The lyrics remind us to rely on God’s presence as we move forward. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB121 The Great Jehovah (David Rowsell) Listen

    August 28, 2023

    (Fanfare Prelude) This prelude is based on the Welsh hymn tune Cwm Rhondda (T.B. 399) which we associate with the words Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (S.A.S.B. 27).

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  • MLB120 The Great Physician (Dale Pittock) Listen

    July 26, 2023

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) This is an arrangement of the familiar tune (T.B. 311) written by John Hart Stockton. The composer was inspired by the miracles of Jesus, in particular, the story in Luke 8:40-53 of Jairus’ daughter and the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. The precious name of Jesus has power unequalled by that of any other.

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  • MLB119 The Lord Is Near (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    June 25, 2023

    (Chorus Setting) A simple yet expressive arrangement of a beautiful chorus (T.B. 862) written by General John Larsson. Based on words taken directly from Philippians 4:6-7, the theme is one of reassurance to the believer of the incomprehensible peace of God amidst the worries and stresses of life.

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  • MLB118 Halifax West (Peter van der Horden) Listen

    May 29, 2023

    (March) This march was written to recognize the formation of The Salvation Army Halifax West Community Church. It features the melodies Praise, My Soul (T.B. 406) and To God Be the Glory (T.B. 513). These tunes help remind the listener that as believers, our primary focus is upward. We rejoice that God’s provision through Jesus Christ meets man’s deepest need. This is the message that Halifax West Community Church wants to share as a newly formed corps.

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  • MLB117 In the Cleft of the Rock (Harold Burgmayer) Listen

    April 24, 2023

    (Hymn Setting) Two hymns of assurance are brought together in this setting as a reminder that in Jesus, we as Christians are “hidden in the cleft of the Rock.” Augustus Toplady, caught by a sudden storm in a field in 1776, saw a large boulder and found a crack into which he fit. While waiting out the storm, Toplady reflected how Christ, who is called the Rock of Salvation, was broken that we might find shelter from impending judgement, and penned these immortal words. Over a century later, Fanny Crosby was reflecting on the passage found in Exodus 33 when Moses asked the Lord to show him His presence. God acquiesced to Moses’ request and assured him, “I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand." View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB116 Breathe on Me (Craig Woodland) Listen

    March 28, 2023

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) This arrangement features the tune Trentham (T.B. 159) to which we associate the words of the song Breathe on Me, Breath of God (S.A.S.B. 294). The tune is presented in a more contemporary and relaxed style. It is hoped that this arrangement will draw both players and listeners alike into the presence of the Holy Spirit.

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  • MLB115 The Reason I Live (arr. Michael Cooper) Listen

    February 27, 2023

    (Prelude) The song When I Look Into Your Holiness (S.A.S.B. 402) has traditionally been used to reflect on why we were created – to worship God. The Reason I Live approaches the theme of these words as a declaration; that when our minds are focused on Him, worship can be a truly transformative experience. The music seeks to emulate this transformation from the simplistic beginning to a pensive first chorus. An invigorating conclusion provides opportunity for listener and player alike to contemplate the beautiful lyrics as an individual and collective act of worship. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB114 Holy Spirit Dwell in Me (arr. Olaf Ritman) Listen

    January 31, 2023

    (Song Arrangement) This is an arrangement of the songster piece published in 1998 in Sing to the Lord (Volume 5 Part 1) entitled In Me. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB113 O Lord You're Beautiful (arr. David Catherwood) Listen

    December 19, 2022

    (Song Arrangement) O Lord, You’re Beautiful is a popular Christian song that was written in 1980 by Keith Green. The reference to Burning, Burning (T.B. 318) and the final motif at the end of the piece that references the tune Tucker (T.B. 295) were inspired by the lyrics of the second verse. This arrangement is straightforward and should be useful for bands looking to program songs from this era that produced so many classic worship songs.

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  • MLB112 Worship the Lord (arr. Stephen Hull) Listen

    November 28, 2022

    (Song Arrangement) Originally conceived as the middle movement of a suite, this piece was written for the Wisconsin/Upper Michigan Divisional Band of which the composer is also the leader. Based on the original song by James Curnow, Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness, it juxtaposes this melody with the old chorus that says, "If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy, let Jesus come into your heart."

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  • MLB111 The Winter's Snow (John van Gulik) Listen

    October 24, 2022

    (Carol Arrangement) This arrangement features the well-known carol See, Amid the Winter’s Snow (T.B. 259). This carol is also known as The Hymn for Christmas, written by Edward Caswell, and first published in 1858. In 1871, John Goss wrote the tune Humility specifically for the carol. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB110 To Sing Thy Praise (Marcus Venables) Listen

    September 26, 2022

    (Festival Prelude) The hymn O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing (S.A.S.B. 89) by Charles Wesley has been arranged in both a contemplative and celebratory style. Using the tune Azmon (T.B. 59), the music gradually develops from a gentle start to a very strong and rhythmic conclusion. The music serves as an invitation for us to worship and sing praise to the Lord in all settings and circumstances.

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  • MLB109 All Your Anxiety (Mike Brooks) Listen

    August 22, 2022

    (Song Arrangement) This familiar song (S.A.S.B. 427) is presented with a slightly different feel. The lyrics start by asking, “Is there a heart o’erbound by sorrow? Is there a life weighed down by care?” Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28 (NIV), “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” He is our friend, who hears our prayers and offers us comfort. This beautiful promise can be found in the words of the refrain.

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  • MLB108 How Much More (Peter van der Horden) Listen

    July 25, 2022

    (Song Arrangement) This arrangement reminds listeners of the familiar words penned by General John Gowans. The challenge of the message is that as human beings, we are often moved by the plight of others to feel and act beyond ourselves. Then how much more is God’s capacity to reach into the human heart and respond to their deepest need, that of forgiveness. Sometimes our caring actions can be the very means by which a person first begins to understand a personal God. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB107 My Solid Rock (arr. Sam Creamer) Listen

    June 28, 2022

    (Song Arrangement) This arrangement is a setting of the new song Solid Rock, written by Katie Fuentes and published in Volume 1 of the Salvation Worship publication. While this band arrangement introduces a new song, there are many references to the traditional hymn Solid Rock (T.B. 446) which will bring familiarity to listeners as a central theme for the work. It is anticipated that this new arrangement will help introduce the song to congregations, particularly if effectively used with a multimedia display. Despite being written as a stand-alone presentation, this arrangement can also work as a congregational accompaniment if desired. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB106 Spirit Divine (Michael Cooper) Listen

    May 31, 2022

    (Benediction) This arrangement of Spirit Divine (T.B. 110) was written with the intent of being used as a benediction but could also effectively be used as a contribution to Sunday worship, particularly leading up to Pentecost. The piece was written with the lyrics of the first two verses in mind before it concludes with a repeated chorus. The music has many similarities to a lullaby, and as such, the listener should be reminded of the simple plea within the chorus. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB105 Faithful Follower (arr. Phil Rayment) Listen

    April 25, 2022

    (Cornet Solo) This is a simple treatment of the tune By His Hand (T.B. 8), originally composed by Major Thomas Mack. His choral setting of Joseph Henry Gilmore’s text, He Leadeth Me, has been highly popular since its introduction several years ago in Sing to the Lord (Volume 1). Hints of two other popular tunes associated with these lyrics are also contained within the arrangement. The words speak of challenge and testimony.

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  • MLB104 O That Place (Olaf Ritman) Listen

    March 28, 2022

    (Festival Arrangement) Based on the familiar Salvation Army song (S.A.S.B. 873), O That Place! was written for the Territorial Music School in the Netherlands in 2003. It features the tune Where I Love to Be (T.B. 454), combining a Latin and swing style where horns and baritone have a prominent role.

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  • MLB103 In Perfect Peace (Yves Ramel) Listen

    February 28, 2022

    (Chorus Arrangement) This arrangement was written at the request of Major Bernard Wyttenbach, a retired Salvation Army officer from Switzerland, who wanted this beautiful chorus to be arranged in a way that could be used to accompany congregational singing.

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  • MLB102 Build Your Church (David Rowsell) Listen

    January 31, 2022

    (March) This march was written during the COVID-19 pandemic with inspiration drawn from the song For I’m Building a People of Power (S.A.S.B. 813) by Dave Richards. The lyrics speak to the strength of God’s people in continuing to build His church here on earth. This march should be played with excitement and vigour as we aspire to continue building the kingdom of God in a post-pandemic era.

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  • MLB101 Closer (arr. Gavin Whitehouse) Listen

    December 20, 2021

    (Song Arrangement) Closer blends together two songs; Draw Me Close by Kelly Carpenter and the hymn Draw Me Nearer (S.A.S.B. 586) by Fanny Crosby and William Howard Doane. Both songs speak of the longing of the Christian to be close to our Saviour.

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  • MLB100 To Answer Thee (Rachel Ewing) Listen

    November 29, 2021

    (Song Arrangement) This arrangement features the tune I Hear Thy Welcome Voice (T.B. 151) with inspiration drawn from the lyrics penned by Herbert Booth (S.A.S.B. 697). The opening motif represents God calling to us and appears throughout as the lyrics speak of contemplation and self-reflection. The final verse reassures that doubt is erased when we trust that His great love and power will sustain us if we answer to His calling on our lives. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB99 Triumph Evermore (Marcus Venables) Listen

    October 25, 2021

    (Prelude) This arrangement of the tune Darwalls (T.B. 200) serves as a prelude or postlude to worship. The opening tonality and semi-fanfare nature announce a united proclamation using the words of Charles Wesley’s hymn Rejoice, the Lord Is King! (S.A.S.B. 271) The line Alleluia from the hymn All Creatures of Our God and King (S.A.S.B. 2) is also apparent. Together, we join in singing praise to our King who will triumph evermore.

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  • MLB98 Make No Delay (Ryan Broughton) Listen

    September 27, 2021

    (Festival Arrangement) This setting of the hymn Make No Delay (T.B. 752) is arranged in both a Latin and swing style. The lyrics (S.A.S.B. 413) of the chorus speak of the joy in joining our Saviour in Heaven: 

    Joyful, joyful will the meeting be, When from sin our hearts are pure and free, And we shall gather, Saviour, with Thee In our eternal Home.

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  • MLB97 Arise (Philip Rayment) Listen

    August 30, 2021

    (Festival Arrangement) This arrangement of the well-known song O Church Arise (S.A.S.B. 819) is in the form of an opening fanfare, followed by a three-verse setting of the tune. Hints of militaristic style reflect the imagery of the words of the first two verses. The final verse is presented in a more upbeat and celebratory style, as we look to the future. The words of the song are a call to action – for the church to hear the call of Christ and “to love the captive soul.” For there to be a revival in the church, there also needs to be revival in our individual hearts, and so there are references to the hymn Arise, My Soul, Arise (S.A.S.B. 242) throughout the piece. It is hoped that this piece will be an encouragement to those who hear it to, “run with faith to win the prize of a servant good and faithful.” View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB96 I'll Follow Thee (arr. Ian Feltwell) Listen

    July 26, 2021

    (Song Arrangement) The well-known words of Agnes Heathcote have recently been put to a new melody by Andrew Blyth which is published in Sing to the Lord (Volume 21 Part 1). This song serves as the basis for this arrangement with the original melody interwoven throughout. The words of the song speak of God’s call on our lives to follow Him. Sometimes it may be hard for us to honour that calling, but we know the joy and inner peace we can have if we dedicate and commit ourselves to following Him. It is hoped that the music will help the listener reflect on the strength and commitment of their own personal journey in following Christ. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB95 Postlude on St. Peter (Nicholas Samuel) Listen

    June 28, 2021

    (Postlude) Written for the Canadian Staff Band’s online Remembrance Concert in 2020, the music is framed upon the four verses of John Oxenham’s hymn, In Christ There Is No East or West (S.A.S.B. 1006), which is most often associated with Alexander Reinagle’s well-known tune, St. Peter (T.B. 116). The music begins very plainly with the solo snare drum and solo melody line. With occasional references to The Last Post, it builds toward the full-sounding proclamation of the text, “All Christly souls are one in Him throughout the whole wide earth.” View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB94 Canadiana (David Rowsell) Listen

    May 31, 2021

    (March) This march features the chorus of the well-known song The Maple Leaf Forever as the basis for its theme. Many Salvation Army bands participate in civic events such as Canada Day celebrations and Remembrance Day ceremonies, and this would be a fitting piece for these occasions. There is a Salvation Army connection to the tune in that the following words (S.A.S.B. 941) can be sung to the melody: We’re marching on, we’re marching on, we’re marching on together; God bless our Army round the world, and keep us true forever. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB93 Be Thou My Vision (arr. Marcus Venables) Listen

    April 26, 2021

    (Song Arrangement) The beautiful Irish folk tune Slane (T.B. 831) has long been associated with the words Be Thou My Vision by Eleanor Hull. This arrangement attempts to translate into music the experience we are going through in being removed from our normal expressions of worship and music ministry. The piece begins with a motif that represents distance and aloneness. As we hear each verse of the melody presented, from a prayerful nature to a rejoicing plea, this motif continues to be present. The piece concludes in a similar style to the opening but offers a sense of encouragement through the lyrics, “O Ruler of all.” Although we may feel isolated and alone, God is with us and we continue to pray for His vision and guidance in our lives today. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB92 Glory (Olaf Ritman) Listen

    March 29, 2021

    (Swing Arrangement) Glory! was written for the big band elective at music camp in the Netherlands several years ago. The traditional big band rhythm section was used (piano, bass, and drums) alongside all the instruments within the brass band except for the basses. The horns, baritones and euphoniums represented the saxophone section. At the request of Howard Evans, bandmaster of the Amsterdam Staff Band at the time, the piece was rearranged to function without the need for the big band rhythm section. It has now been rescored and adjusted to make it widely available for a smaller group. The tune Glory to His Name (S.A.S.B. 76) is treated in such a way that should bring a smile to the face of the listener. The third verse speaks about the joy we experience once we have let Jesus into our lives. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB91 All to Thee (Harrison Venables) Listen

    February 22, 2021

    (Song Arrangement) The words of the song I Surrender All (S.A.S.B. 636) are set to a new melody that was written at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The listener is reminded that regardless of our circumstances, we need to surrender our all to Jesus and fully rely on Him. Whether we are going through good times or difficult times, we can trust that He is in control if we continue to surrender our lives for His glory. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB90 When He Cometh (Jonathan Rowsell) Listen

    January 25, 2021

    (Song Setting) When He Cometh (S.A.S.B. 558), written by William O. Cushing, was originally published as part of a collection of Sunday School songs in 1870. The text is based on Malachi 3:16-17. While many might consider it to be a song for children, the text is still relevant today and applies to each one of us. We are all loved by Him and we are all His treasures. As believers, we look forward with anticipated hope to His return and the reward for our service in His name.  View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB89 - His Providential Care (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    December 21, 2020

    (Song Setting) The song (S.A.S.B. 5) featured in this arrangement was specifically chosen to bring comfort and assurance to those impacted by the COVID-19 virus in 2020. In a time where many have missed coming together for corporate worship, or gathering in other ways, one verse speaks of being “lonely and sad, from friends apart,” an experience shared by so many during this difficult time. No matter the circumstances of life we must face, the songwriter assures us that God will be there to meet our every need. May this song remind listeners of that reality. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB88 The First Noel (Aaron Dyke) Listen

    November 02, 2020

    (March) The traditional carol is given a fresh treatment and presented in a standard march style. The text announces the birth of Christ, and the excitement of the good news is reflected in the energy and liveliness of this arrangement. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB87 - Thy Will (Mike Brooks) Listen

    October 20, 2020

    (Meditation) Thy Will is a meditation that takes us on a spiritual journey – one of seeking, praying and submission. It begins with a seeking heart, expressed through the words of the chorus Silently Now I Wait for Thee (S.A.S.B. 786). This moves into a prayerful attitude that appeals to the Lord for the revelation of His will in our lives through the chorus O Speak (S.A.S.B. 762). We don’t always hear what we want or expect which often causes confusion and doubt. Only through complete submission, surrender and obedience can we follow the will of our Master (At Thy Feet I Bow Adoring S.A.S.B. 572). The piece closes with the simple reminder from the song Sweet Will of God: “Sweet Will of God, still fold me closer.” View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB86 Londonderry Air (arr. Olaf Ritman) Listen

    October 14, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) This arrangement of Londonderry Air (T.B. 736) was written specifically for the composer’s mother-in-law. It is one of her favourite tunes and after asking for an arrangement for several years, it finally came to fruition. This rendition offers a fresh and original feel to a tune that is well-known and has been arranged many times. It is hoped that the listener finds comfort in the lyrics (S.A.S.B.171) penned by William Young Fullerton. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB85 Grace (Ty Watson) Listen

    October 14, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) This is a blues arrangement of the traditional hymn Amazing Grace (S.A.S.B. 453). The soloists' section is intended to represent a band testimony where they "testify" to God's grace in their lives. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB84 All to God (arr. Jeremy Avery) Listen

    October 14, 2020

    (Festival Arrangement) Originally written for the youth band at Meadowlands Corps, All to God features the song Lord, I Make a Full Surrender (S.A.S.B. 602) alongside the more contemporary song I Surrender by Phil Laeger (Hallelujah Choruses 160). The lyrics of both songs express the desire to fully surrender our lives to God and claim salvation through Him. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB83 Abundant Grace (David Rowsell) Listen

    October 14, 2020

    (March) This piece was written as the signature march for the Jubilee Brass Fellowship Band. The band is led by the composer and is comprised of Salvationists from across Southwestern Ontario. It features the chorus Grace, Grace, God’s Grace and the well-known song Amazing Grace (S.A.S.B. 453). This is a very playable march that incorporates two familiar melodies, making it useful for ecumenical services or outdoor events. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB82 Victory and Praise (Ruben Schmidt) Listen

    October 14, 2020

    (Festival Arrangement) Written for the timbrel elective at Territorial Music School in 2013, Victory and Praise is an energetic and percussion-driven piece that features the familiar song Victory in Jesus (S.A.S.B. 464). The words of the chorus serve as the source of inspiration.  View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB81 Friend of God (arr. Marcus Venables) Listen

    October 14, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) The worship song Friend of God is given a lively treatment in this arrangement. Written for the massed bands at the 2020 Ontario Central East Division's Micro Music Camp, this piece is a group proclamation of the assurance that God is mindful of us, hears us, thinks of us, and love us. The piece begins and ends with statements of the well-known song What a Friend We Have in Jesus (S.A.S.B. 795).   View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB80 Cornerstone (arr. Simon Gough) Listen

    October 14, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) This arrangement features the worship song Cornerstone, made popular by Hillsong, and incorporates the chorus of the tune Solid Rock (T.B. 446). Since Christ is our solid rock, our worship needs to reflect this truth. There is power in proclaiming this truth corporately. As the band plays the melodies that carry these powerful words, it is hoped that the players and listeners will claim this in their own lives. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB79 In Sweet Communion (arr. Ryan Broughton) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) This arrangement features Albert Orsborn's beloved tune Brantwood (T.B. 199) to which we associate the words I Know Thee Who Thou Art (S.A.S.B. 79). The text expresses the confidence of knowing our identity in Christ and the profound influence He can have in our lives if we allow Him to walk alongside us.  View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB78 Beaver Creek Camp (Paul Vos) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (March) This march was written to commemorate the 70th anniversary celebration of the Salvation Army’s Beaver Creek Camp in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Do, Lord! and Sing Hosanna! (T.B. 830) are the featured choruses that have proven to be camp favourites for many years. This is a lighthearted and joyful march that exudes the enjoyment felt by many who have attended this special place and for those who will continue to do so in the years to come. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB77 There is a Fountain (Noel Brooks) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (Meditation) This arrangement was written for the Canadian Staff Band's 50th Anniversary celebration in March 2019. This well-known hymn (S.A.S.B. 202) is presented in a meditative and patient setting featuring the tune Covenant (T.B. 66). The words to this hymn also fit the original melody that is introduced after the first chorus by the Flugel Horn. There are several quotes from the hymn I Know a Fount where the band states "there's a wonder-working power in the blood of Calvary." This arrangement reminds the listener of the redeeming power of Christ's sacrifice, but also boldly proclaims, "I do believe, I will believe, that Jesus died for me." View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB76 Hallowed Manger Ground (arr. Sam Creamer) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (Christmas Selection) Hallowed Manger Ground is an arrangement of Chris Tomlin's Christmas song of the same name which has grown in popularity in recent years. Woven throughout the melody of this contemporary carol are references to traditional carols such as Away in a MangerThe First Noel and O Come Let Us Adore Him. The scene of a starry, first Christmas night is set right from the start before building to a climax of praise and adoration, as depicted in the lyrics, eventually returning to the manger setting to finish the piece. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB75 Purify My Heart (arr. Ty Watson) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) This arrangement features the Brian Doerksen song, Refiner's Fire. The lyrics of the chorus truly express the Christian desire to be holy. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB74 He Knows My Name (arr. Edward Mylechreest) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (Trombone Solo) This solo was written at the request of Nathan James, Bandmaster at Staple Hill Citadel, for a special occasion. The comforting words of the chorus remind us that we have a Heavenly Father who knows us by name and cares for each one of us.  View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB73 Great is Thy Faithfulness (arr. Harrison Venables) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) This arrangement was written with the intention of honouring the familiar tune and text through its simplistic nature. The words remind the listener that God is constant, reliable and unfailing. His love never ends and His mercies are new each morning. It is hoped that the music would encourage the listener as they contemplate the promises of God. Great is Thy faithfulness! View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB72 Happy Song (Sam Creamer) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (Swing Arrangement) The tune Happy Song (T.B. 644), traditionally written in a march-type style, has been revived in this arrangement, giving it new life and providing a fresh connection for listeners. Emulating popular “horn bands” of groups such as Chicago or Earth, Wind and Fire from the ‘70s and ‘80s, the tune is transformed into a funky, driving shuffle feel. Originally written as a congregational accompaniment, it can still be used for that purpose if following the sequence of the arrangement (V1, C, V2, C x2). View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB71 Risen Today (Marcus Venables) Listen

    October 13, 2020

    (Festival Prelude) This opener was written for the North York Temple Band and uses the hymn Christ the Lord is Risen Today (S.A.S.B. 218) as the main theme. Fragments of Thine is the Glory (S.A.S.B. 276), a favourite hymn at Easter, are also prevalent throughout the piece. Celebratory in nature, the overarching theme is the coming together of the Christian church to celebrate the Risen King. While the message of Easter is predominant, this would be a suitable selection at any time of the year. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB70 His Faithful Follower (David Edmonds) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) Originally written for the wedding of a member at Dunstable Corps, this piece features two melodies that accompany the words penned by Joseph Henry Gilmore (S.A.S.B. 645). The lyrics remind us that God is stronger than it all despite the many circumstances of life. We need only to follow where He leads, faithfully. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB69 Endless Victory (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Selection) Written for the 50th anniversary of the Burlington Corps, this selection features three songs chosen from among several favourites suggested by the congregation. The common theme is the endless victory in Christ experienced by those who answer the divine call to service (Who is on the Lord's side? S.A.S.B. 992), who prayerfully ask for the Lord's blessing and guidance in all their endeavours (Lord, if your presence, S.A.S.B. 1031), and who give God the glory for all He has done and is doing in their midst (Thine is the glory, S.A.S.B. 276). View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB68 Let Me Walk with Him (arr. Mike Brooks) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) Set to the tune Maryton (T.B. 26), the words of this hymn (S.A.S.B. 667) provide a simple prayer, asking that we may walk closely with our Master. As we move toward a stronger fellowship with Jesus, we want to be more like Him. Our desire is to be more loving, humble and patient as we seek to do His work in our daily lives. May we always be reminded of this verse from Micah which says, " do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8 NLT) View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB67 The Lord is My Shepherd (Ruben Schmidt) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Meditation) This is an original composition inspired by the words of Psalm 23, intended to help us reflect on God's presence, His comfort, and how He truly is the Good Shepherd in our Christian lives. Scripture reminds us, "You are with me. You comfort me. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB66 Be Still My Soul (Jacob Slous) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Meditation) The well-known tune Finlandia is featured in this meditative arrangement. The contemplative nature of this piece provides the listener with the opportunity to reflect on the words commonly associated with this melody. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB65 Away in a Manger (arr. James Allen) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Cornet Solo) James Allen has crafted a beautiful and simplistic cornet solo that blends together the two familiar tunes associated with this much-loved Christmas carol. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB64 My All (arr. Marcus Venables) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) My All is on the Altar (S.A.S.B. 609) is one of the most revered songs of consecration. The powerful and challenging words were penned by Mary Dagworthy James. Brindley Venables has written a new melody which his brother, Marcus, has set in this arrangement. The words of the chorus are simple but implore us to continually consecrate our lives for His purpose. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB63 As I Pray (arr. Andrew Poirier) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Cornet Solo) Joy Webb's beautiful mix of melody and lyrics is arranged for cornet and band by Andrew Poirier. "Help me, Saviour, as I pray." View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB62 Lord Lift Me Up (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Swing Arrangement) A light-hearted swing arrangement of the gospel song Higher Ground by Johnson Oatman Jr. and Charles H. Gabriel, inspired by the words of the psalmist David: “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB61 Psalm 46 (David Rowsell) Listen

    October 06, 2020

    (Chorus Setting) A straightforward arrangement based on Psalm 46:10 (NIV), “Be still and know that I am God.” “In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust” (S.A.S.B. 594) are additional words that are associated with this melody. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB60 I Will Be Still (Craig Woodland) Listen

    April 29, 2020

    (Meditation) Exodus 14:14 (NIV) reminds us that “the Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Two songs are woven together in this reflective arrangement centered on the theme of being still – Be Still for the Presence of the Lord (S.A.S.B. 353) and Still by Reuben Morgan. May the music remind us to find intentional ways of being still and allowing the Holy Spirit to fully enter our lives.View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB59 In the Morning (Philip Rayment) Listen

    April 28, 2020

    (Meditation) Each new morning brings a new beginning; a chance for the believer to start over thanks to God’s love. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” This piece explores the idea of new beginnings, with the focus of the ultimate new beginning – eternal life. It begins with a quote from the tune Carlisle (T.B. 147) to which we associate these words: “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love…”

  • MLB58 Day of Rejoicing (David Rowsell) Listen

    April 27, 2020

    (Festival Arrangement) This piece was written to commemorate 125 years of banding at St John's Temple, Newfoundland, where the composer was the Bandmaster. It uses two familiar tunes, Simple Gifts and When We All Get to Heaven. It is from the latter song that the piece gets its name - "When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!" View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB57 It is Well (arr. Peter van der Horden) Listen

    April 26, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) This piece was written for the “Spring 4 Band” concert in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This is an annual event that brings together corps bands within the Maritime Division for a day of fellowship and music making. Each group comes prepared to play a few items and then unite as a massed band. Since the words and melody of this familiar song (S.A.S.B. 741) had always appealed to the composer, it was a fitting choice for this particular concert that celebrates mission and ministry within the division. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB56 Jesus Paid it All (Mike Brooks) Listen

    April 25, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) This is a contemplative, meditative arrangement of a song that carries a powerful message. Appropriate for Easter or for any time of the year, the words speak of the purchase of our salvation through Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary. The melody was written by John T. Grape (1835 – 1915) and the words were penned by Elvina M. Hall (1820 – 1889). View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB55 I Will Proclaim (Marcus Venables) Listen

    April 24, 2020

    (Festival Arrangement) The song All Heaven Declares (S.A.S.B. 237) by Noel and Tricia Richards is featured in this arrangement for brass band that intentionally imitates and pays tribute to the iconic Fanfare of Praise by Robert Redhead, but in a more simplified form. The overall shape of the piece allows for a dramatic build to the end, which helps the listener reflect on the words that proclaim praise to the risen Lord. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB54 Love at Home (Sheldon E. Fox II) Listen

    April 23, 2020

    (March) Love at Home was written for the Bermuda Divisional Band. It features the well-known song from Albert Orsborn that expresses themes of expectation and hope. The simple, yet powerful chorus proclaims: Greater things! Give us faith, O Lord, we pray, Faith for greater things! View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB53 Ellers (Jonathan Rowsell) Listen

    April 22, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) A modern setting of the well-known hymn tune Ellers that is both prayerful and majestic in nature. It is often associated with the three verses of Dorothy Ann Thrupp’s song, He Walks with God Who Speaks to God in Prayer. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB52 Near to the Heart of God (arr. Nicholas J. Samuel) Listen

    April 21, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) Captain Nicholas Samuel presents a simple yet colourful arrangement of the song Near to the Heart of God by Cleland McAfee. This arrangement can also be used as a congregational accompaniment. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB51 What Child is This (arr. Paul Vos) Listen

    April 20, 2020

    (Carol Arrangement) In 1865, William Chatterton Dix penned these words in the poem The Manger Throne. Today, using modified stanzas and set to the tune Greensleeves, this has become one of the most well-known Christmas carols. This setting, arranged by Paul Vos, is reflective of the text as it seeks to express the miraculous gift of Christ coming to earth as a baby. View PDF Click to Purchase

  • MLB50 Imagine (arr. Harrison Venables) Listen

    April 19, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) The song I Can Only Imagine by Bart Millard is arranged for brass band by Harrison Venables who seeks to stay true to the original nature and style of the song. The overall ethereal sound of the piece allows the listener’s mind and heart to imagine walking by our Saviour’s side.
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  • MLB49 Here I Am to Worship (arr. Mike Brooks) Listen

    April 18, 2020

    (Soprano Cornet and Flugel Horn Duet) Tim Hughes wrote this song in 2001 and it has continued to be a main-stay in the worship song literature over the last several years.  This duet is a simple rendition of the song, giving the performers and listeners a chance to reflect on the words. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB48 Bless the Lord (Philip Rayment) Listen

    April 17, 2020

    (Intrada) This piece takes the popular Matt Redman worship song, 10,000 Reasons, and combines it with elements of Stand Up and Bless the Lord.
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  • MLB47 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (arr. Jonathan Rowsell) Listen

    April 16, 2020


    This piece was written with the intention of closing a concert or church service; though it can easily function as a Sunday morning band selection. The piece is based on the words and chorus by Helen Howarth Lemmel. View PDF Link to Purchase

  • MLB46 Canada 150 (Marcus Venables) Listen

    April 15, 2020

    (Festival March) This year, Canada celebrates its sesquicentennial.  Marcus Venables has crafted a march that is widely accessible for corps bands across the country. It features well-known tunes that are representative of our nation, culminating in a majestic treatment of our national anthem.
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  • MLB45 Lewisporte Citadel (Kevin Metcalf) Listen

    April 14, 2020

    (March) This March was written for a Lewisporte Citadel Band weekend and it features two fitting choruses. The first chorus, If I take the wings of the morning, is found in the chorus section of the old tune book. It expresses the biblical thought that there is nowhere we can go to hide from God. The second chorus, Building up the temple, is featured as an expression of community which celebrates young people and old-timers working together in harmony. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB44 Our God (Marcus Venables) Listen

    April 13, 2020

    (Festival Arrangement) Written for the Valby Corps in Denmark, this is a rhythmic and energetic arrangement of the song made popular by worship artist Chris Tomlin. View PDF 
  • MLB43 In His Time (arr. Noel Brooks) Listen

    April 12, 2020

    (Trombone Feature) This trombone feature is a simple rendition of the well-known chorus. With nothing technical or complicated to distract the listener, this arrangement presents the message of patience and understanding as we seek to do God's will in our lives.
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  • MLB42 Lift Up the Fallen (Wayne Thompson) Listen

    April 11, 2020


    A meditation on the familiar words of Fanny Crosby, Rescue the Perishing.
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  • MLB41 Songs of Assurance (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    April 10, 2020


    Blessed Assurance, Solid Rock, and I Stand Amazed are woven together in this selection.
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  • MLB40 Do You Hear What I Hear (Noel Brooks) Listen

    April 09, 2020

    (Trombone Solo) A beautiful trombone solo that uses Do You Hear What I Hear in different styles while making subtle references to O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB39 Evensong (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    April 08, 2020


    The well-known evening hymn associated with the tune St. Clements forms the basis for this meditative setting. View PDF Link to Purchase

  • MLB38 The Lily of the Valley (Norman Bearcroft) Listen

    April 07, 2020

    (Festival Arrangement) This cheerful song of testimony is given a toe-tapping treatment.
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  • MLB37 Be Still (arr. Stephen Pelley) Listen

    April 06, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) 

    An extended meditation based on the song Be Still that builds to a rousing conclusion.
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  • MLB36 Inspiration (Ruben Schmidt) Listen

    April 05, 2020


    This selection includes three songs of encouragement: Count Your Blessings, Knowing You, and Anything for Jesus.
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  • MLB35 My Jesus I Love Thee (arr. Ron Heintzman) Listen

    April 04, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) A setting of the hymn My Jesus I Love Thee that can be used as a selection or to accompany congregational singing.
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  • MLB34 Deus Vobiscum (Robert Redhead) Listen

    April 03, 2020

    (Tone Poem) 

    A descriptive tone poem inspired by the tragic sinking of the Empress of Ireland.
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  • MLB33 Blest Be the Tie (Norman Bearcroft) Listen

    April 02, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) 

    Using the words Blest be the tie, this setting features the hymn tune Dennis.
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  • MLB32 Halifax Citadel (Peter van der Horden) Listen

    April 01, 2020

    (March) A vigorous march that includes the hymn Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.
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  • MLB31 March of the Kings (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    March 31, 2020

    (Classical Arrangement) A jaunty setting of the traditional French folk song often associated with Christmas. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB30 Still (arr. Jeremy Smith) Listen

    March 30, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) A straightforward setting that is sure to be a beautiful addition to your band’s Sunday selection repertoire.
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  • MLB29 He Is Lord (Wayne Thompson) Listen

    March 29, 2020

    (Chorus Setting) A simple yet useful chorus arrangement of He is Lord, suitable for an Easter selection. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB28 With Heart and Hand (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    March 28, 2020

    (Suite) A lively three movement suite featuring several songs including They need Christ and Rescue the Perishing.
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  • MLB27 The Londonderry Air (arr. Norman Bearcroft) Listen

    March 27, 2020

    (Classical Arrangement) This popular melody is given a sensitive treatment by Lt-Colonel Norman Bearcroft. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB26 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (arr. Kenneth Smith) Listen

    March 26, 2020

    (Congregational Song Accompaniment) A majestic arrangement by Major Kenneth Smith of this classic congregational song.
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  • MLB25 All My Days (Jeremy Smith) Listen

    March 25, 2020

    (Chorus Setting) 

    The simple chorus of All My Days is presented in three statements that grow to a grand finish.
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  • MLB24 Shine on Us (Jonathan Rowsell) Listen

    March 24, 2020

    (Processional) This arrangement is structured as a processional based on the beautiful prayer song by Michael W. Smith.
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  • MLB23 In Christ Alone (Craig Woodland) Listen

    March 23, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) 

    A majestic arrangement of the contemporary hymn In Christ Alone combined with a beautiful original melody by composer Craig Woodland.
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  • MLB22 In My Life Lord Be Glorified (arr. Kevin Metcalf) Listen

    March 22, 2020

    (Hymn Tune Arrangement) In what can be considered a benediction, this arrangement utilizes the beautiful yet simple melody to stir the hearts of the listeners. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB21 New Horizons (Robert Redhead) Listen

    March 21, 2020

    (Trombone Solo) 

    Based on the recurring motif “Become Aware,” this demanding and rhythmic solo is one of the more difficult in the trombone repertoire.
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  • MLB20 Two Carol Arrangements 1) I Wonder as I Wander 2) What Child is This (Robert Redhead) Listen

    March 20, 2020

    (Carol Arrangement) Two reflective settings of familiar carols often heard during the Christmas season. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB19 A Christmas Festival (L. Anderson arr. William Gordon) Listen

    March 19, 2020

    (Christmas Music) This popular work has been transcribed for brass band and is sure to enhance any Christmas program as it uses a medley of carols.
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  • MLB18 In Quiet Confidence (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    March 18, 2020

    (Meditation) Major Kenneth Smith crafts a beautiful meditation based on the hymn tune Rutherford which we associate with the words In heavenly love abiding. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB17 God Be With You (Noel Brooks) Listen

    March 17, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) A beautiful benediction that starts softly and progresses from pensive to lyrical before ending on a note of triumph.
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  • MLB16 Siempre Allegre (David Rowsell) Listen

    March 16, 2020

    (Festival Arrangement) 

    This music is written in a Latin American style and features two songs based on the same theme, Always Cheerful and Let Us Raise Our Cheerful Voices.
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  • MLB15 Christ is Born (Robert Redhead) Listen

    March 15, 2020

    (Christmas Music) 

    Using carols of an earlier age, this major Christmas work attempts to express the reality of the coming of Jesus. View PDF Link to Purchase

  • MLB14 Daniel's Band (Leonard Ballantine) Listen

    March 14, 2020

    (Festival Arrangement) 

    Based on the song Dare to be a Daniel, this imaginative work is a colourful and descriptive setting that utilizes modern-day jazz idioms.
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  • MLB13 God is Love (arr. Kenneth Smith) Listen

    March 11, 2020

    (Congregational Song Accompaniment) A bright and energetic arrangement of the popular song Come, let us all unite to sing.
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  • MLB12 Lift Jesus High (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    March 10, 2020

    (Song Arrangement) This selection includes three choruses from the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s that promote the theme of moving forward step by step into the future by lifting Jesus high.
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  • MLB11 Festive Overture Op. 96 (D. Shostakovich trs. William Gordon) Listen

    March 09, 2020

    (Classical Arrangement) An extremely challenging transcription of an orchestral overture by Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich that is sure to push any brass band to its limit.
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  • MLB10 Glorious and Free (Kevin Norbury) Listen

    March 08, 2020

    (March) An exhilarating quasi old styled street march based around O Canada.
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  • MLB9 Western Fantasy Garments of Praise (David Mills) Listen

    March 07, 2020

    (Fantasy) This exciting concert piece features the songs Garments of Praise and Love lifted Me, while drawing its musical inspiration from the western film genre. View PDF Link to Purchase
  • MLB8 Joshua (Pearce/Kaiser/Mayfield arr. Kevin Hayward) Listen

    March 06, 2020

    (Trombone Solo) 

    A great crowd pleasing trombone solo using the song Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho in several different settings and cleverly arranged by Kevin Hayward.
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  • MLB7 A Latin Christmas (David Rowsell) Listen

    March 06, 2020

    (Christmas Music) A lively Christmas piece written in a Latin feel using a trio of carols.
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  • MLB6 Spirit of Adventure (Kevin Norbury) Listen

    March 05, 2020


    Purely a concert work, this challenging rhapsody is entirely original material from Kevin Norbury.
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  • MLB5 Three Images (Kevin Norbury) View

    March 04, 2020


    This suite is a descriptive work that portrays three different facets of the nature of Christ, using mostly original material by composer Kevin Norbury. View PDF Link to Purchase

  • MLB4 Hallelujah Parade (Kevin Norbury) Listen

    March 03, 2020

    (Big Band Arrangement) A bright and energetic concert piece that has proven to be a crowd pleaser for years featuring the songs O Happy Day and Praise God I’m Saved, all arranged in a big band style.
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  • MLB3 Christ Triumphant (Thomas Rive) View

    March 02, 2020


    A three movement Easter suite based upon the composer’s own original choral works.
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  • MLB2 Mountaintop (Kenneth Smith) Listen

    March 01, 2020

    (March) Unto the Hills and I’m living on the mountain are the tunes featured in this lively and appropriately titled concert march.
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  • MLB1 Overture to a Joyous Occasion (Morley F. Calvert) Listen

    February 28, 2020

    (Overture) Old Hundredth, Lift Up the Banner and other familiar melodies are used in this overture as it jumps from style to style, finishing off with big broad ending. View PDF Link to Purchase